USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]
Serial Number : 2928
[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]
Item Code: 03-2800002889454
Store: [03]
Relation Page:
¥554,508 JPY
¥554,508 JPY
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2023 USA-made XSC-2 with 80s coloring and heavy-aged specs
Xotic guitars are chosen by top players such as Allen Hines, Oz Neu, Dean Brown, etc. This is a royal style XSC-2 with full size body and SSH specification.
The body is a full-size center 2pcs alder with a heavy-aged lacquer finish. The neck is Roasted Maple with a lot of figured wood, giving it a luxurious yet refined sound and excellent stability. The fretboard is rosewood with a 9.5-inch fingerboard surface and Jescar's nickel 6105 series frets, which are a popular specification for FCS guitars. The neck shape is "Xotic C-Shape .830"-.920", and the low position is relatively clean and uncluttered. It should be accepted by many players.
The PU is equipped with "RV-60" and "RV-PAF" from "Raw Vintage", which has made many Strat fans roar. The DC resistance values are about 6.1k, 6.1k, and 8.1k from the neck side, and the center is RWRP specification. The bridge is a Gotoh GE101TS with Raw Vintage Pure Steel Saddle, and the spring is also Raw Vintage, which is now a standard specification for Strat fans. The pegs are also Gotoh locking type, and the controls are 5-way, 1Vol2Tone with rear tone control.
The body has the excellent aging that is well known for, and it is hard to tell the difference from use damage, but there is no damage to the back of the neck, fretboard surface, or frets. There are some minor picking scratches on the pickguard, but the rest of the body is in good condition with no signs of use.
The neck is in good condition, and the truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the strings are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Overall, it is in good condition with little signs of use. The neck is made of roasted maple, which is the weakest point of the vintage brand, and the use of Raw Vintage PU and assembly that will make ST fans groan is not to be missed. If you are thinking of purchasing an F custom shop grade guitar, this is one that you should definitely try!
Neck condition is fine.
The truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned to tighten and adjust.
About 90% frets left.
Made in USA
CaseHard case
AccessoriesSpec sheet, tremolo arm
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number 2928
Xotic guitars are chosen by top players such as Allen Hines, Oz Neu, Dean Brown, etc. This is a royal style XSC-2 with full size body and SSH specification.
The body is a full-size center 2pcs alder with a heavy-aged lacquer finish. The neck is Roasted Maple with a lot of figured wood, giving it a luxurious yet refined sound and excellent stability. The fretboard is rosewood with a 9.5-inch fingerboard surface and Jescar's nickel 6105 series frets, which are a popular specification for FCS guitars. The neck shape is "Xotic C-Shape .830"-.920", and the low position is relatively clean and uncluttered. It should be accepted by many players.
The PU is equipped with "RV-60" and "RV-PAF" from "Raw Vintage", which has made many Strat fans roar. The DC resistance values are about 6.1k, 6.1k, and 8.1k from the neck side, and the center is RWRP specification. The bridge is a Gotoh GE101TS with Raw Vintage Pure Steel Saddle, and the spring is also Raw Vintage, which is now a standard specification for Strat fans. The pegs are also Gotoh locking type, and the controls are 5-way, 1Vol2Tone with rear tone control.
The body has the excellent aging that is well known for, and it is hard to tell the difference from use damage, but there is no damage to the back of the neck, fretboard surface, or frets. There are some minor picking scratches on the pickguard, but the rest of the body is in good condition with no signs of use.
The neck is in good condition, and the truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the strings are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Overall, it is in good condition with little signs of use. The neck is made of roasted maple, which is the weakest point of the vintage brand, and the use of Raw Vintage PU and assembly that will make ST fans groan is not to be missed. If you are thinking of purchasing an F custom shop grade guitar, this is one that you should definitely try!
Neck condition is fine.
The truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned to tighten and adjust.
About 90% frets left.
Made in USA
CaseHard case
AccessoriesSpec sheet, tremolo arm
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number 2928
ボディはフルサイズのセンター2pcsのアルダーで、フィニッシュはラッカーのヘヴィーエイジド仕様です。ネックはRoasted Mapleでこれでもかとフィギュアドが入った高級感がありながらも洗練されたサウンドと抜群の安定感を誇ります。指板はローズウッドで、指板面は9.5インチ、フレットはヴィンテージを踏襲しながらも高いプレイアビリティを実現するJescarのニッケルタイプ6105系。FCS系では人気定番の仕様です。ネックシェイプは『Xotic C-Shape .830”-.920”』としておりローポジションは比較的スッキリとしたクセは少ないシェイプ。多くのプレイヤーに受け入れられるはずです。
PUには多くのストラトファンを唸らす『Raw Vintage』の『RV-60』と『RV-PAF』を搭載。直流抵抗値はネック側から約6.1k、約6.1k、約8.1kとなっており、センターはRWRP仕様です。ブリッジはGotoh製のGE101TSにRaw Vintage Pure Steel Saddleを採用、スプリングも同様にRaw Vintageを採用しており、ストラトファンにはもはやスタンダードとも言える仕様。ペグもGotoh製のロックタイプで、コントロールは5way、1Vol2Tone仕様でリアのトーンもコントロール可能となっております。
全体的には使用感の少ない良好なコンディション。ヴィンテージ系ながらも、王道ブランドの泣きどころでもあったネックにローステッドメイプルを採用する事に見事にクリア。STファンを唸らすRaw VintageのPUやアッセンブリーを採用している点見逃せません。F社のカスタムショップグレードをお考えの方に是非ともお試し頂きたい内容でオススメに一本です!
ボディはフルサイズのセンター2pcsのアルダーで、フィニッシュはラッカーのヘヴィーエイジド仕様です。ネックはRoasted Mapleでこれでもかとフィギュアドが入った高級感がありながらも洗練されたサウンドと抜群の安定感を誇ります。指板はローズウッドで、指板面は9.5インチ、フレットはヴィンテージを踏襲しながらも高いプレイアビリティを実現するJescarのニッケルタイプ6105系。FCS系では人気定番の仕様です。ネックシェイプは『Xotic C-Shape .830”-.920”』としておりローポジションは比較的スッキリとしたクセは少ないシェイプ。多くのプレイヤーに受け入れられるはずです。
PUには多くのストラトファンを唸らす『Raw Vintage』の『RV-60』と『RV-PAF』を搭載。直流抵抗値はネック側から約6.1k、約6.1k、約8.1kとなっており、センターはRWRP仕様です。ブリッジはGotoh製のGE101TSにRaw Vintage Pure Steel Saddleを採用、スプリングも同様にRaw Vintageを採用しており、ストラトファンにはもはやスタンダードとも言える仕様。ペグもGotoh製のロックタイプで、コントロールは5way、1Vol2Tone仕様でリアのトーンもコントロール可能となっております。
全体的には使用感の少ない良好なコンディション。ヴィンテージ系ながらも、王道ブランドの泣きどころでもあったネックにローステッドメイプルを採用する事に見事にクリア。STファンを唸らすRaw VintageのPUやアッセンブリーを採用している点見逃せません。F社のカスタムショップグレードをお考えの方に是非ともお試し頂きたい内容でオススメに一本です!

石桥乐器株式会社成立于 1938 年,是日本最受尊敬的乐器零售连锁店,石桥乐器在全球范围内也被视为高品质二手商品的可靠销售商之一。我们在日本各地拥有超过 13 家门店,包括东京、横滨、千叶、名古屋、大阪、广岛、福冈。石桥乐器公司经营的范围包括全新乐器、二手乐器和VIntage乐器。
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
![[SN 2928] USED Xotic / XSC-2 Purple Metallic Heavy Aged Alder RM-IR Gold 2023 [03]](
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