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USED Paul Reed Smith (PRS) / 2018 John Mayer Signature Silver Sky Rosewood Horizon [03]

Serial Number : 18 253939

[SN 18 253939] USED Paul Reed Smith (PRS) / 2018 John Mayer Signature Silver Sky Rosewood Horizon [03]

Item Code: 03-2800003016118
Condition: USED
Store: [03] ochanomizu

常规价格 ¥288,400 JPY
常规价格 ¥313,418 JPY 促销价 ¥288,400 JPY
销售额 售罄
If you would like to make a bank transfer, please give us an e-mail with name of your request item.
QQ: 3784816402
For customers residing in Japan
The 2018, now disconcertingly colored "Horizon" "Silver Sky" is now in stock in used condition!

* From the manufacturer's website below.
Paul Reed Smith's guitarist, Paul Reed Smith, said, "It's been a dream of mine for a long time to create a guitar that combines the feel of the vintage guitars I love with modern aesthetics. After many trials and errors with Paul Reed Smith, the Silver Sky is exactly what I envisioned in terms of both looks and playability, and I hope that anyone who picks it up will find a new fascination with the electric guitar. - John Mayer

The PRS Silver Sky features the original PRS single-coil pickups designed to inherit the sound of the vintage guitars that John Mayer and Paul Reed Smith love so much, especially those manufactured in 1963-64. The design concept of this guitar is a departure from the image of the past.

After two years of research and development, the Silver Sky was born with a clear sound that both John and Paul were aiming for, and a wealth of original PRS parts that were designed and developed just for the sound and playability of this guitar.

The headstock shape, a trademark of PRS, has been redesigned with a reverse headstock to match John Mayer's playing style, and at the same time, the distance from the nut to the tuners has been increased to further enhance tuning stability.

The tuners are traditional vintage style Cruson type, but with the original PRS pegs with PRS locking system. The original steel tremolo is attached solidly to the body with the arm in the neutral position. This setting allows the bridge to move only in the pitch-down direction, but it improves the raw sound of the body by gaining ground contact between the bridge and the body, leading to a dynamic sound and improved signal-to-noise ratio of the single-coil pickups.

The 635JM pickup is a PRS original pickup developed exclusively for Silver Sky, and is characterized by its wide range, fat and crisp sound.

In addition, the Silver Sky's fingerboard is available in rosewood or maple, and both have a 7.25" fingerboard radius. The rosewood fingerboard neck has a slightly more rounded shoulder, making it more comfortable in the palm of the hand. Both fingerboard necks are the result of careful research of vintage guitars and John Mayer's own extensive on-stage testing.

The molded jack plate, a completely original design that allows for smooth plug insertion and removal, was also conceived with live use in mind.

We hope that the Silver Sky, created by John Mayer and Paul Reed Smith, will become the new choice for guitarists around the world, regardless of musical genre, such as rock, blues, jazz, or funk.

There are some minor scratches and dings overall, as well as some pickguard color burns, but the guitar is in relatively clean condition with little signs of use. The neck, frets, truss rod, and all other playing-related conditions are in good condition.
The instrument has been fully adjusted at our repair center when it arrived, so you can use it with no worries.
Serial number: 18 253939
Year of manufacture: 2018
Country of manufacture: USA
Case:Gig bag (genuine)
Accessories:Arm, tag, wrench
Weight: 3.25kg
Truss Rod: No problem, rod is confirmed to be 60 degrees to the left and right
Fretboard: No problem, sufficient fretboard height
Scale: 648mm (25.5")
RADIUS: 184mm (7.25")
Strings in setup: ERNIE BALL 2221 / .010-.046 set
Modified parts: -
Repair and maintenance parts: cleaning, string change, rod adjustment, octave adjustment, string height adjustment

Item rank: B+ : Some scratches, but no problem in normal use.
2018年製、現在ではディスコンカラー「Horizon」の「Silver Sky」が中古で入荷!

* 以下メーカーサイトより
「大好きなビンテージギターのフィールと、モダンな美しさが融合されたギターを作りたいというのは、僕自身が長い間抱いていた夢だったんだ。そして、Paul Reed Smithとの幾度にも渡る試行錯誤の末に完成したこのSilver Skyは、ルックス、プレイヤビリティ共に、僕が想い描いていたものそのものであり、このギターを手にした人が、エレキギターの新たな魅力を感じてくれることを願っています。」 - John Mayer

PRS Silver Skyは、John MayerとPaul Reed Smithがこよなく愛するビンテージギターの中でも、特に1963~64年に製造されたビンテージギターのサウンドを継承しデザインされたPRSオリジナルのシングルコイルピックアップを搭載し、さらに過去のイメージとは一線を画すデザインコンセプトから生み出されたギターです。

2年にも渡る研究と開発を繰り返した末に誕生したこのSilver Skyには、JohnとPaulの両者が目指す、明確なサウンドがあり、更にこのギターのサウンドとプレーヤービリティを生み出す為だけにデザイン、開発されたPRSオリジナルパーツが豊富に使用されています。

ヘッドストックシェイプはPRSのトレードマークと言えますが、John Mayerのプレイスタイルに合わせたリバースヘッドストックにリデザイン、同時にナットからチューナーまでの距離をかせぐ事でチューニングの安定性をさらに高めています。


635JMピックアップは、Silver Skyの為だけに開発されたPRSオリジナルのピックアップで、レンジが広くて、ファットでクリスピーなサウンドが特徴と言えます。

また、Silver Skyの指板は、ローズウッドとメイプルが選択可能で、指板アールはどちらも7.25”。ローズウッド指板のネックはショルダー部分の丸みをわずかに大きくし、手のひらにより馴染みやすい形状になっています。どちらの指板のネックも、ビンテージギターの入念なリサーチ、そしてJohn Mayer自身のステージでの数多くのテストを経て、導き出されたシェイプです。


John MayerとPaul Reed Smithによって生み出されたこのSilver Skyが、ロック/ブルース/ジャズ/ファンクなど、音楽ジャンルを問わず、世界中のギタリストにとっての新たな選択肢の1つとなることを願っています。

シリアルナンバー:18 253939
スケール:648mm (25.5")
RADIUS:184mm (7.25")
セットアップ時の弦:ERNIE BALL 2221 / .010-.046 set

商品ランク:B+  :多少傷はあるが通常使用する用途において問題なし



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