USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]
Serial Number : 13363
[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]
Item Code: 10-2800002446121
Store: [10]
Relation Page:
¥443,236 JPY
¥452,508 JPY
¥443,236 JPY
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2024 Custom Shop made Tele with a roasted maple neck and front hum!
The base model is the "60 TELE CUSTOM", but with various Custom Shop-like specs at various points.
The body is a rare color charcoal frost metallic with 2pcs ash, and the binding around the perimeter is only on the top. The finish is lacquer.
The neck is 2A grade bird's eye maple that has been further roasted for outstanding strength and sound. The fingerboard is rosewood, jet-black AAA grade rosewood. The fingerboard surface is 9.5-12" compound radius. The frets are 6105 size, so-called Narrow Tall size. The neck shape is "60s style Oval C," which is a royal style with few peculiarities and a rich thickness in the high position. The heel of the neck is cut for a smooth approach in the high position.
The front PU is a Duncan SH-55n Seth Lover. It is named after Seth Lover, the developer of the original PAF, and is characterized by its low DC resistance and clean, yet sweet sound on the high end. The rear PU is a hand-wound Texas Special Tele, just like the Custom Shop. The rear PU is a hand-wound Texas Special Tele, which gives a strong sense of power and matches perfectly with the front PU, which is more subdued.
The control pots are also "Dual Stack HS TELE" mounted in a stack, which is ideal for using the front hum (500k) and the rear single (250k) respectively. Wiring enthusiasts should definitely take a look. The bridge is a "58-'63 Tele Bridge with RSD Saddles". While the plate is traditional, the saddles are RSD with controlled intonation, which ensures the traditional look and eliminates problems. Locking type pegs for quick string changes and Jim Dunlop strap locks on the strap pins are used from the time of shipment, making it ready for immediate use!
The condition of the instrument has only a few scratches. The pickguard still has protective tape on it. This can be recommended for those who are considering a new one.
The neck condition is fine, and the truss rod can be adjusted in the direction to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned and adjusted in the direction to tighten. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the strings are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Weight 3.70kg
Neck condition is fine.
Truss rod can be adjusted in the direction to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned and adjusted in the direction to tighten.
About 90% frets remaining
Country of OriginMade in USA
CaseGenuine hard case
AccessoriesCertification, spec sheet, strap, strap lock
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number 13363
The base model is the "60 TELE CUSTOM", but with various Custom Shop-like specs at various points.
The body is a rare color charcoal frost metallic with 2pcs ash, and the binding around the perimeter is only on the top. The finish is lacquer.
The neck is 2A grade bird's eye maple that has been further roasted for outstanding strength and sound. The fingerboard is rosewood, jet-black AAA grade rosewood. The fingerboard surface is 9.5-12" compound radius. The frets are 6105 size, so-called Narrow Tall size. The neck shape is "60s style Oval C," which is a royal style with few peculiarities and a rich thickness in the high position. The heel of the neck is cut for a smooth approach in the high position.
The front PU is a Duncan SH-55n Seth Lover. It is named after Seth Lover, the developer of the original PAF, and is characterized by its low DC resistance and clean, yet sweet sound on the high end. The rear PU is a hand-wound Texas Special Tele, just like the Custom Shop. The rear PU is a hand-wound Texas Special Tele, which gives a strong sense of power and matches perfectly with the front PU, which is more subdued.
The control pots are also "Dual Stack HS TELE" mounted in a stack, which is ideal for using the front hum (500k) and the rear single (250k) respectively. Wiring enthusiasts should definitely take a look. The bridge is a "58-'63 Tele Bridge with RSD Saddles". While the plate is traditional, the saddles are RSD with controlled intonation, which ensures the traditional look and eliminates problems. Locking type pegs for quick string changes and Jim Dunlop strap locks on the strap pins are used from the time of shipment, making it ready for immediate use!
The condition of the instrument has only a few scratches. The pickguard still has protective tape on it. This can be recommended for those who are considering a new one.
The neck condition is fine, and the truss rod can be adjusted in the direction to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned and adjusted in the direction to tighten. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the strings are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Weight 3.70kg
Neck condition is fine.
Truss rod can be adjusted in the direction to tighten or loosen, and can still be turned and adjusted in the direction to tighten.
About 90% frets remaining
Country of OriginMade in USA
CaseGenuine hard case
AccessoriesCertification, spec sheet, strap, strap lock
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number 13363
ベースモデルは『60 TELE CUSTOM』としておりますが、各ポイントに様々なカスタムショップらしいスペックを盛り込んだ一本。
ネックは2Aグレードのバーズアイメイプルで更にローステッド加工されており、抜群の強度と鳴りを実現。指板はローズウッドで漆黒のAAAグレードのローズウッド。指板面は9.5-12インチのコンパウンドラディアス仕様。フレットは6105サイズでいわゆるNarrow Tallサイズです。ネックシェイプは『60s style Oval C』としており、クセは少なくハイポジはちゃんと豊かな太さを感じさせてくれる王道のスタイル。またネックヒールはカットされてハイポジションでのスムースなアプローチを実現しております。
フロントPUはダンカン SH-55n Seth Loverを搭載。オリジナルPAFの開発者であるセス・ラバーの名を冠しており、直流抵抗値抑えめのスッキリとしながらもハイはスイートなサウンドが特徴。リアPUはカスタムショップらしくハンドワウンドされたTexas Special Teleを搭載。しっかりパワー感を感じさせ抑えめのフロントPUとのマッチングはバッチリです。
またコントロールポットもフロントハム(500k)とリアシングル(250k)をそれぞれ使い分ける理想的な、スタックマウントされた『Dual Stack HS TELE』としております。配線マニアは是非とも御覧ください。ブリッジは『'58-'63 Tele Bridge with RSD Saddles』。プレートは伝統的ながらもサドルはRSDでイントネーションがコントロールされており、伝統的なルックスを確保しながらも問題点をクリア。また素早い弦交換を実現するロックタイプのペグの採用や、ストラップピンは出荷時からジムダンロップ製のストラップロックを採用しており即実戦可能です!
ベースモデルは『60 TELE CUSTOM』としておりますが、各ポイントに様々なカスタムショップらしいスペックを盛り込んだ一本。
ネックは2Aグレードのバーズアイメイプルで更にローステッド加工されており、抜群の強度と鳴りを実現。指板はローズウッドで漆黒のAAAグレードのローズウッド。指板面は9.5-12インチのコンパウンドラディアス仕様。フレットは6105サイズでいわゆるNarrow Tallサイズです。ネックシェイプは『60s style Oval C』としており、クセは少なくハイポジはちゃんと豊かな太さを感じさせてくれる王道のスタイル。またネックヒールはカットされてハイポジションでのスムースなアプローチを実現しております。
フロントPUはダンカン SH-55n Seth Loverを搭載。オリジナルPAFの開発者であるセス・ラバーの名を冠しており、直流抵抗値抑えめのスッキリとしながらもハイはスイートなサウンドが特徴。リアPUはカスタムショップらしくハンドワウンドされたTexas Special Teleを搭載。しっかりパワー感を感じさせ抑えめのフロントPUとのマッチングはバッチリです。
またコントロールポットもフロントハム(500k)とリアシングル(250k)をそれぞれ使い分ける理想的な、スタックマウントされた『Dual Stack HS TELE』としております。配線マニアは是非とも御覧ください。ブリッジは『'58-'63 Tele Bridge with RSD Saddles』。プレートは伝統的ながらもサドルはRSDでイントネーションがコントロールされており、伝統的なルックスを確保しながらも問題点をクリア。また素早い弦交換を実現するロックタイプのペグの採用や、ストラップピンは出荷時からジムダンロップ製のストラップロックを採用しており即実戦可能です!

石桥乐器株式会社成立于 1938 年,是日本最受尊敬的乐器零售连锁店,石桥乐器在全球范围内也被视为高品质二手商品的可靠销售商之一。我们在日本各地拥有超过 13 家门店,包括东京、横滨、千叶、名古屋、大阪、广岛、福冈。石桥乐器公司经营的范围包括全新乐器、二手乐器和VIntage乐器。
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
![[SN 13363] USED Fender Custom Shop / American Custom Telecaster NOS Charcoal Frost Metallic Rosewood 2024 [10]](
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