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USED Gibson Custom / Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Reissue Aged Ice Tea 2003 [10]

Serial Number : 9 3891

[SN 9 3891] USED Gibson Custom / Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Reissue Aged Ice Tea 2003 [10]

Item Code: 10-2800002496591
Condition: USED
Store: [10] nagoya

常规价格 ¥1,166,509 JPY
常规价格 ¥1,203,600 JPY 促销价 ¥1,166,509 JPY
销售额 售罄
If you would like to make a bank transfer, please give us an e-mail with name of your request item.
QQ: 3784816402
For customers residing in Japan
The body top is aged by Tom Murphy, and the realistic figured top with wild flecks overflowing throughout is just what the connoisseur would like. The top is not beautiful and luxurious from any angle, but has a wild look that gives the impression of a man's tool and partner that has been with him for many years. The wildness is boosted by the "Murphy Aged" finish. The weather checks have been finely reproduced throughout, and the comparison with the current "Murphy Lab" is truly intriguing. There is also a "TM" signature inside the control cavity, confirming that this is now a premium Murphy Aged.
The body back mahogany is well-wooded and the total weight is an exquisite 4.1kg. The neck feel is generally fleshy compared to the current model 59, a mainstream neck shape of the time. The rich vibes of mahogany can be enjoyed. Unlike the Indian rosewood of the current model, the fretboard surface is of good quality with oil in the conduit area. The fretboard surface is not the same as the current Indian Rosewood model, but it has a good quality with oil in the conduit.
The original PU is a Burstbucker 1&2, but this one has been replaced with a Bizen Works Vintage Custom, which is a hot topic, probably due to the previous owner's exploration. The DC resistance is about 7.4k on the neck side and about 8.2k on the bridge side as measured at our store, which gives it a slightly low-mid character. The original capacitor is a Bumble Bee, but it has been replaced with a Zenith 0.01MFD 400V capacitor.

The body has some aging by Tom Murphy, plus some damage from use. However, it appears to have grown in a good way, and there is nothing unnatural about it. There are some small dents scattered around the periphery of the body top, and the body back is also dotted with small dents throughout. Paint is peeling at the tip of the cutaway on the back of the body, at the right neckline, and at the neck joint. There is a pea-sized ding on the heel of the neck, nail marks all over the back of the neck, and dings on the 9F-11F areas. There is clear peeling on the back of the head and both tips. The back of the neck has a faded reddish color in the low position. The tailpiece on the 6th string side is well deteriorated, but has a great atmosphere.

The neck is in good condition and the truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen. There are no string marks on the frets and about 70% of the strings are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.

Although there are some signs of use overall, the excellent aging of the strings, coupled with the fact that it has been aged well, gives it a dignified appearance. The material feel, look, and sound are top grade and not found in the current model! The current Murphy Lab is good, but this one is no slouch either! It would also make a great birthday guitar for someone born in 2003!

Weight 4.10kg
Neck condition is fine.
Adjustable truss rod can be tightened or loosened.
About 70% frets remaining.
Country of OriginMade in USA
Case Genuine hard case
Item rank B+: Some scratches, but no problem for normal use.
Serial number 9 3891
ボディトップはトム・マーフィーがエイジングするだけあって、リアルなフィギュアドに野趣溢れるフレックが全体にほとばしるまさに通好みの一本。どこからみても美しく高級感溢れるトップではなく、あくまでも長年連れ添った男の道具・相棒としてのワイルドな印象を与えてくれるシビレる表情。またそのワイルドネスをブーストしているのが『Murphy Aged』。全体に細かくウェザーチェクが再現されており、現行の『Murphy Lab』との比較も実に興味をそそります。またコントロールキャビティ内には『TM』のシグネイチャーがあり、今となってはプレミアムなマーフィーエイジドであることが確認できます。
PUはオリジナルはバーストバッカー1&2ですが、こちらは前オーナーの探究心からか、話題のBizen WorksのVintage Customに交換されております。直流抵抗値は当店計測で、ネック側が約7.4k、ブリッジ側が約8.2kとなっており、少しローミッドに特徴を持たせたキャラクター。またキャパシターはオリジナルがバンブルビーですが、こちらもZenithの0.01MFD 400Vに交換されております。




シリアルナンバー9 3891



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