USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]
Serial Number : R101968
[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]
Item Code: 10-2800002846839
Store: [10]
Relation Page:
¥526,691 JPY
¥526,691 JPY
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2020 Custom Shop Strat in Champagne Sparkle!
The Vintage Custom series pays homage to the original Fenders, with many specifications that were adopted at the time of release but were soon changed, and many rare specifications that can only be found in the prototype stage. This series is a new innovation of Fender Custom Shop.
The base model is a 60s style, with a carefully selected alder center 2pcs body, and the highlight of the series is the champagne sparkle coloring! The base model is a 60s style model with a maple body and a maple neck made of rift-sawn wood. The neck shape is "63 Style C". This popular shape is a little thicker and gives the impression of solid thickness in the high position. The fretboard surface is 7.25-9.5" compound radius, and the frets are "Medium Vintage" which is a little thicker and taller than vintage type, so it is based on vintage but arranged a little modern.
The PU is an original houndwound "HW 62/63 STRAT". DC resistance is about 5.8k, 5.6k, and 5.6k from the neck side, which is vintage style with no RWRP. Controls are 5-way, 1Vol, 2Tone (* does not work on rear) traditional style.
The body has wipe scratches, scuffs, and dings. There are some picking scratches on the pickguard in a fine sort of way, but the pickguard still has the protective vinyl on it, so it shouldn't bother you too much once you remove it. The damage is not very noticeable because of this coloring. There is a small hit scratch on the lower right side part of the body. There is a rice-sized chip of clear paint on the first string side of the neck joint when the neck was removed. There are no noticeable signs of use, although each hardware has some scuffs and scratches.
The neck is in good condition, and the truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the frets are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Overall, the damage is not noticeable due to its coloring. The back of the neck is also in good condition with little damage, so you won't notice any signs of use. The guitar shines in the light and is perfect for dance music sound! Despite its looks, the vintage tone of this model is also a must-have!
Weight 3.77kg
Neck condition is fine.
The truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen.
About 90% frets remaining.
Country of OriginMade in USA
CaseGenuine hard case
AccessoriesCertification, tremolo arm, bridge cover, spec sheet (* no binder)
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number R101968
The Vintage Custom series pays homage to the original Fenders, with many specifications that were adopted at the time of release but were soon changed, and many rare specifications that can only be found in the prototype stage. This series is a new innovation of Fender Custom Shop.
The base model is a 60s style, with a carefully selected alder center 2pcs body, and the highlight of the series is the champagne sparkle coloring! The base model is a 60s style model with a maple body and a maple neck made of rift-sawn wood. The neck shape is "63 Style C". This popular shape is a little thicker and gives the impression of solid thickness in the high position. The fretboard surface is 7.25-9.5" compound radius, and the frets are "Medium Vintage" which is a little thicker and taller than vintage type, so it is based on vintage but arranged a little modern.
The PU is an original houndwound "HW 62/63 STRAT". DC resistance is about 5.8k, 5.6k, and 5.6k from the neck side, which is vintage style with no RWRP. Controls are 5-way, 1Vol, 2Tone (* does not work on rear) traditional style.
The body has wipe scratches, scuffs, and dings. There are some picking scratches on the pickguard in a fine sort of way, but the pickguard still has the protective vinyl on it, so it shouldn't bother you too much once you remove it. The damage is not very noticeable because of this coloring. There is a small hit scratch on the lower right side part of the body. There is a rice-sized chip of clear paint on the first string side of the neck joint when the neck was removed. There are no noticeable signs of use, although each hardware has some scuffs and scratches.
The neck is in good condition, and the truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen. There are no string marks on the frets and about 90% of the frets are left. Currently, the string height is adjusted at about 2.0mm on the 12F 6th string side and about 1.5mm on the 1st string side.
Overall, the damage is not noticeable due to its coloring. The back of the neck is also in good condition with little damage, so you won't notice any signs of use. The guitar shines in the light and is perfect for dance music sound! Despite its looks, the vintage tone of this model is also a must-have!
Weight 3.77kg
Neck condition is fine.
The truss rod can be adjusted to tighten or loosen.
About 90% frets remaining.
Country of OriginMade in USA
CaseGenuine hard case
AccessoriesCertification, tremolo arm, bridge cover, spec sheet (* no binder)
Product rank A: Beautiful. There are some minor scratches.
Serial number R101968
Vintage Customシリーズでは発売当初には採用されていたが直ぐに変更されたスペックや、試作段階でしか見受けられないレアな仕様が多く存在するオリジナル・フェンダーに敬意を表し、伝統を継承しつつも機能性に優れたモデルを製造するフェンダー・カスタム・ショップの新機軸といえるシリーズ。
ベースモデルは60sスタイルとしており、ボディは厳選されたアルダーのセンター2pcs。その目玉のカラーリングはシャンパンスパークル!スパンコールやミラーボールの如くキラキラと輝きステキです。60sスタイルながらも貼りメイプル仕様を採用しており、メイプルネックの木取りはリフトソーン。ネックシェイプは『63 Style C』。少し肉厚でハイポジションに行くとしっかりとした厚さを感じさせる人気のシェイプ。指板面は7.25-9.5インチのコンパウンドラディアス、フレットはヴィンテージタイプに少し太さと高さを加えた『Medium Vintage』としておりヴィンテージを基調としながらも少しモダンにアレンジしております。
PUはオリジナルで、ハウンドワウンドされた『HW 62/63 STRAT』を搭載。直流抵抗値はネック側から約5.8k、約5.6k、約5.6kで、RWRPでない事も合わせてヴィンテージスタイルとなっております。コントロールは5way、1Vol、2Tone(* リアには効かない)伝統的なスタイルです。
付属品認定証、トレモロアーム、ブリッジカバー、スペックシート(* バインダーはなし)
Vintage Customシリーズでは発売当初には採用されていたが直ぐに変更されたスペックや、試作段階でしか見受けられないレアな仕様が多く存在するオリジナル・フェンダーに敬意を表し、伝統を継承しつつも機能性に優れたモデルを製造するフェンダー・カスタム・ショップの新機軸といえるシリーズ。
ベースモデルは60sスタイルとしており、ボディは厳選されたアルダーのセンター2pcs。その目玉のカラーリングはシャンパンスパークル!スパンコールやミラーボールの如くキラキラと輝きステキです。60sスタイルながらも貼りメイプル仕様を採用しており、メイプルネックの木取りはリフトソーン。ネックシェイプは『63 Style C』。少し肉厚でハイポジションに行くとしっかりとした厚さを感じさせる人気のシェイプ。指板面は7.25-9.5インチのコンパウンドラディアス、フレットはヴィンテージタイプに少し太さと高さを加えた『Medium Vintage』としておりヴィンテージを基調としながらも少しモダンにアレンジしております。
PUはオリジナルで、ハウンドワウンドされた『HW 62/63 STRAT』を搭載。直流抵抗値はネック側から約5.8k、約5.6k、約5.6kで、RWRPでない事も合わせてヴィンテージスタイルとなっております。コントロールは5way、1Vol、2Tone(* リアには効かない)伝統的なスタイルです。
付属品認定証、トレモロアーム、ブリッジカバー、スペックシート(* バインダーはなし)

石桥乐器株式会社成立于 1938 年,是日本最受尊敬的乐器零售连锁店,石桥乐器在全球范围内也被视为高品质二手商品的可靠销售商之一。我们在日本各地拥有超过 13 家门店,包括东京、横滨、千叶、名古屋、大阪、广岛、福冈。石桥乐器公司经营的范围包括全新乐器、二手乐器和VIntage乐器。
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
![[SN R101968] USED Fender Custom Shop / Vintage Custom 1962 Stratcaster Champagne Sparkle 2020 [10]](
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石桥乐器不仅出售全新,也出售二手乐器及古董乐器。石桥乐器在日本各地拥有超过 11 家门店,包括东京、横滨、千叶、名古屋、大阪和福冈。
所有的商品均由日本各地的石桥乐器发往世界各地,通常运输时间大约需要 7 到 10 天。
我们的营业时间为上午 10:00 至下午 6:00(东京时区)
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